Dorothea Erxleben female investigator awards

To promote female scientists in the field of inflammation research, the Cluster of Excellence PMI awards three highly endowed Dorothea Erxleben Researcher Prizes every three years, one for 100,000 euros and two for 50,000 euros. The prizes are awarded exclusively to female scientists from the cluster with the aim of supporting their excellent research work and thus also increasing their qualifications for further funding applications.

The prize is named after Dorothea Christiane Erxleben, who was the first female doctor in Germany in the mid-18th century and practiced medicine in Quedlinburg.

Award winners 2023

The 2023 Dorothea Erxleben female investigator awards were awarded to Professor Silke Szymczak from Lübeck (100,000 euros), Junior Professor Sabrina Jabs from Kiel (50,000 euros) and Leibniz Professor Silke Meiners from the Research Center Borstel/CAU (50,000 euros). The award ceremony took place on 9.11.2023 as part of the symposium “Sex and Gender Aspects in Precision Medicine” organized by the Cluster of Excellence PMI at the Atlantic Hotel in Kiel.

Cluster PMI promotes outstanding female researchers with a total of €200,000 (press release, 9 Nov, 2023)

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© S. Weimar/Cluster of Excellence PMI

The winners and laudators of the Dorothea Erxleben Female Investigator Awards 2023, from left: Prof. Gabriele Gillessen-Kaesbach, President of Luebeck University; Prof. Silke Szymczak, UzL; Prof. Sabrina Jabs, Kiel University and UKSH; Prof. Silke Meiners, FZB and Kiel University; Prof. Simone Fulda, President of Kiel University.

Award winners 2021

The 2021 prizes were awarded to the Kiel scientists Professor Petra Bacher (Institute of Immunology), Dr. Corinna Bang (Institute of Clinical Molecular Biology) and the Lübeck scientist Dr. Julia Pagel (Clinic for Infectiology and Microbiology).

Prestigious funding for outstanding female scientists in inflammation research (press release, 31 Aug, 2021)

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© C. Kloodt / PMI, Kiel University

The winners and laudators of the Dorothea Erxleben Female Investigator Awards 2021, from left: Dr. Julia Pagel, Department of Infectious Diseases and Microbiology of the UzL and UKSH, Campus Lübeck, Prof. Petra Bacher, Institute of Immunology of CAU and UKSH, Campus Kiel, Prof. Gabriele Gillessen-Kaesbach, President of UzL, Prof. Simone Fulda, President of CAU, and Dr. Corinna Bang, Institute of Clinical Molecular Biology of CAU and UKSH, Campus Kiel.