Press releases and news of the Cluster of Excellence

blood sample in the lab

Researchers with the participation of the PMI Cluster of Excellence have succeeded in isolating and analyzing disease-causing T cells from the blood…

Geographical overlap between pathogen and host has a measurable influence on the transmissibility of the tuberculosis pathogen.


European Research Council funds research project at Kiel University to investigate the role of bacterial extracellular vesicles in gut ecology and…

group photo

The German Research Foundation (DFG) is funding the Research Unit 5042 "miTarget: The microbiome as a therapeutic target in chronic inflammatory bowel…

Röhrchen mit Blut in einem Metallständer

Increased consumption of tryptophan can indicate minimal residual inflammation in a variety of chronic inflammatory diseases.

Around 60 young researchers from the Cluster of Excellence PMI met on March 13 and 14, 2024 for a scientific exchange at the Maritim Seehotel on…

Jennifer Hundt from the University of Lübeck was elected to the board for the next four years at the conference of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft…

seven persons on a stage

Kiel symposium addressed ethical, economic and epistemological questions for precision medicine in chronic inflammatory diseases.

Elbow with scaly, red skin changes

In a clinical phase 2 study, a research team involving Kiel has demonstrated the effectiveness of an IL-23 blocking treatment against psoriasis, which…

A special kind of annual review: five young researchers from the PMI cluster presented their high-ranking published work from 2023 to the other…

Press office

Frederike Buhse
Public Relations, Excellence Cluster PMI