Press releases and news of the Cluster of Excellence

A young woman and a man in white coats in the laboratory

In a recent publication, researchers of the Cluster of Excellence PMI show how an enzyme complex in intestinal cells regulates the colonisation of…

Using evolutionary biology methods, an international team led by Prof. Stefan Niemann has succeeded in classifying new mutations in the tuberculosis…


Project led by PMI member Prof. Andre Franke aims to empower people affected by Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis by developing interdisciplinary…

Microscopic image bacterium

Novel way to identify previously unknown pathogens via disease genes



What is the role of ABO blood group in SARS-CoV-2 infection and/or severe COVID-19, and what genetic risk factors are known to date?

Prof. Christine Klein and Prof. Jeanette Erdmann are among the top 1000 in the "Best Female Scientist" ranking of the

Among the most cited researchers worldwide in 2022 are six members of the Cluster of Excellence "Precision Medicine in Chronic Inflammation".

graphical abstract

An international team led by researchers from the Cluster of Excellence PMI has found biomarkers that indicate at the beginning of anti-TNF alpha…

We have lost a highly esteemed colleague, clinician and scientist.

group picture

Midterm evaluation of the cluster research

Press office

Frederike Buhse
Public Relations, Excellence Cluster PMI