Press releases and news of the Cluster of Excellence

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The immunologist from the PMI Cluster of Excellence receives the Young Scientist Award for her research into the role of the immune system in chronic…

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Members of the Cluster of Excellence PMI have discovered that a misdirected immune response to yeast fungi could play an important role in Crohn's…

State funding program for medical research at the universities of Kiel and Lübeck enters second round.

Scientist examining a human skull

Genetic factors acquired by Yersinia pestis contribute to our understanding of the plague pandemic in the 19th century


The Cluster of Excellence mourns the death of its former steering committee member Prof. Jeanette Erdmann.

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International experts discussed the latest research on the link between intestinal bacteria and chronic intestinal inflammation at the international…

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Study shows significantly increased risk of cardiovascular disease for patients with cutaneous lupus erythematosus (CLE), a rare autoimmune skin…

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According to the international ranking of the research portal, a total of 18 cluster members are among the world's best in medicine.…


Stefan Rose-John received the 2023 Jung Gold Medal for Medicine for his life’s work in translational medicine.

Frau hält Hände über Bauch

An important milestone for the drug candidate "Olamkicept" developed by PMI Cluster members on the way to approval: The high-ranking Journal of the…

Press office

Frederike Buhse
Public Relations, Excellence Cluster PMI