Press releases and news of the Cluster of Excellence

Mikroskopische Aufnahme des Fadenwurms C. elegans.

Kiel researchers, together with an international team, present a nematode model system as the basis for comprehensive microbiome research

Magnificated picture of miniature chips

EU initiative with Kiel participation wants to track human cells over the course of life, detect changes and thus specifically intercept diseases.

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A group photo with mouth-and-nose protection, generous distance between the seats and a strictly limited number of participants - the Cluster Retreat…

diabetic equipment

A research team involving the Cluster of Excellence PMI has shown that the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus can also damage the pancreas

group picture

Renowned infectologist launches new "Infection Oncology" research group in Kiel


Kiel research team describes for the first time differences in the bacterial colonization of the skin in house and laboratory mice as a basis for…

group picture

Research team from Kiel finds gene variants for severe course of Covid-19: The blood group might have an influence on the severity of Covid-19…

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This year, one of the highest awards in infection biology goes to the future Kiel senior professor

Researchers in white coats stand at sequencers in a laboratory

International research team involving the Cluster of Excellence PMI explores the genetics of primary immunodeficiencies (PID) on an unprecedented…

modell of the artificial molecule Hyper-IL-6

International research team has discovered how repair after a brain injury can be improved by influencing immune cells

Press office

Frederike Buhse
Public Relations, Excellence Cluster PMI